

Don't get too high, don't get too low with Alex Ruoff (ENG)

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Poppies, you know what time it is! We are back with episode 37. The definition of the word „work-horse“ cannot be better met than with our latest guest. A big welcome to Alex Ruoff!
Alex is playing his 12th year as a professional basketball player, currently for the team of @brosebamberg and has played in 5 different countries so far. We have talked to him about his career and the most important lessons his journey has taught him so far. We also took the chance to dive deeper into tactical aspects of the game of basketball and looked at the art of playing a pick and roll. Furthermore we discussed the importance of the relationships of teammates, coaches and staff in order to become a successful team!
How does Alex approach his role as a veteran on his team? What kind of coaching style does he prefer? And is it a coincidence that Lennart and Alex share the same kind of beard or is Dom on to a conspiracy against him?
Enjoy our latest episode and be prepared for some good laughs because we simply had such an entertaining conversation. We hope you guys will enjoy it as much as we did!


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Über diesen Podcast

Hinter den Kulissen des Profisports mit all seinen körperlichen und mentalen Herausforderungen. Ziel ist es die Hörer*innen mit neuen Ideen und Perspektiven in Kontakt zu bringen. Thematisch sehr basketballverliebt und trotzdem weltoffen. Eure Hosts sind die beiden Kumpels Lennart (Psychologischer Berater) und Dom (Performance Coach).

Behind the scenes of professional sports looking at the physical and mental challenges. With your hosts Lennart Stechmann (psychological consultant) and Dom Theodorou (Performance Coach for Brose Bamberg).

von und mit Lennart Stechmann, Domenik Theodorou


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